
Martix Scene Wake Up Neo Vbs: 4 koraka
Martix Scene Wake Up Neo Vbs: 4 koraka

Video: Martix Scene Wake Up Neo Vbs: 4 koraka

Video: Martix Scene Wake Up Neo Vbs: 4 koraka
Video: The Matrix Resurrections | Neo vs. Morpheus Dojo | Warner Bros. Entertainment 2024, Juli
Martix Scene Wake Up Neo… Vbs
Martix Scene Wake Up Neo… Vbs

zdravo, ovo je uputstvo za programiranje i dat ću vam kôd kako biste mogli preraditi scenu na početku matrice gdje je Neoov računar hakiran i računar kaže: probudi se neo …

Korak 1: Korak 1: Prvi Vbs

Korak 1: Prvi Vbs
Korak 1: Prvi Vbs

otvorite bilježnicu i ovo je jedna od četiri datoteke koje morate napraviti, inače neće raditi.

unesite ovaj kod:

set ghost = wscript. CreateObject ("WScript. Shell") "cmd" wscript.sleep 3000 ghost.sendkeys "w" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "a" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "k" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "e" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "u" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "p" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "n" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "e" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "o" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "." wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "." wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "." wscript.sleep 5000 Dim objShell Set objShell = Wscript. CreateObject ("WScript. Shell")

objShell. Run "2.vbs"

'Korištenje skupa je obavezno Postavite objShell = Ništa WScript. Quit

i spremite ovu datoteku u matrix.vbs

Korak 2: Korak 2: Druga datoteka

sada otvorite novu bilježnicu i nazovite ovu datoteku 2.vbs jer neće raditi ako je nazovete imenom koje želite.

sada kopirajte i zalijepite ovaj kod je druga datoteka bilježnice.

set ghost = wscript. CreateObject ("WScript. Shell") "cmd" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "t" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "h" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "e" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "m" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "a" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "t" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "r" wscript. sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "i" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "x" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "h" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "a" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "s" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "y" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "o" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "u" wscript.sleep 40 ghost.sendkeys "." wscript.sleep 40 ghost.sendkeys "." wscript.sleep 40 ghost.sendkeys "." wscript.sleep 5000 Postavi objShell = Wscript. CreateObject ("WScript. Shell")

objShell. Run "3.vbs"

'Korištenje skupa je obavezno Postavite objShell = Ništa WScript. Quit

Korak 3: Korak 3: Treći Vbs

otvorite drugu datoteku bilježnice i nazovite ovu datoteku 3.vbs.

unesite ovaj kod u datoteku.

set ghost = wscript. CreateObject ("WScript. Shell") "cmd" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "f" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "o" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "l" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "l" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "o" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "w" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "t" wscript. spava 100 ghost.sendkeys "h" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "e" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "w" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "h" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "i" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "t" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "e" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "r" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "a" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "b" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "b" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "i" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "t" wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "." wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "." wscript.sleep 500 ghost.sendkeys "." wscript.sleep 5000 Postavi objShell = Wscript. CreateObject ("WScript. Shell")

objShell. Run "4.vbs"

'Korištenje skupa je obavezno Postavite objShell = Ništa WScript. Quit

Korak 4: Korak 4: Zadnja VBS datoteka

sada ćete napraviti posljednju datoteku i nazvati je 4.vbs.

unesite ovaj kod u datoteku.

set ghost = wscript. CreateObject ("WScript. Shell") "cmd" wscript.sleep 100 ghost.sendkeys "knock knock neo …" WScript. Quit

datoteke moraju biti na radnoj površini jer neće raditi ako to ne učinite

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